Roman Holiday!

Melanie Cahill 13 September 2016
Recently my partner and I visited Rome, a city that had intrigued the both of us due to its historic and architectural values. This destination is perfect for a short, adventure packed getaway. We had four days to spend in this beautiful city and were determined to experience everything Rome had to offer.

Most notably, all the attractions were stunning. We visited all the famous sights; the Vatican, Castel de San Angelo, the Coliseum, the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, and many spectacular churches and monuments. Most importantly, we booked tours and entry in The Vatican and The Coliseum beforehand which is a definite must do. If not, the queues to get in could be up to three hours as opposed to no waiting time at all. We did a tour of the Vatican and St. Peters Cathedral which was fascinating, our tour guide had very good English and made our experience very worthwhile. It was extremely hot during our visit, so light clothing is necessary, although they are quite strict on appropriate clothing. We wore long shorts and t-shirts, which was fine. After the tour we were free to explore as we pleased.

We also did a tour of the Coliseum, which included entry into the Roman Forum and Palatine hill. Our tour lasted roughly 40 minutes, which was plenty. Again, we had no waiting in queues and our experience was interesting and easy. This historic building was completely wheelchair accessible, there was also lifts available, as the stairs were quite steep for anyone that was not able. After the tour, we spent the afternoon exploring the roman forum and Palatine hill, which is where all the old roman ruins are located. This was extremely interesting and incredible to see these remains still standing. If I were to go again, I would include a tour here as I have such an interest in history. There were plaques next to each ruin but I was inquisitive to know more.

Our afternoons and evenings were spent walking through the historic streets of Rome, exploring all the sights and taking in all the sights and sounds of this idyllic city. We wandered into ancient churches and admired the architecture and art that was hidden inside. We would wander down another street and find the hugely impressive Trevi Fountain where people gathered to throw pennies and make a wish. It was so impressive we had to visit it a night to see it all lit up which I think is a must see. We walked and walked along the romantic streets of Rome, admiring and the culture and sights to see.

One of the most memorable things about Rome was the food. Their wine and ice cream were simply exquisite. Every meal and snack was as good as the last, thankfully we did so much walking to work it off. The ice cream parlours enticed you with every flavour you could think of. I think between us, we tried nearly all of them.

Eventually we had to return home. But this European city left us with some fantastic memories and a thirst to explore more of Italy. I would definitely recommend a comfortable pair of walking shoes and pre booking tours as well as entry into some attractions. This just made our trip so much easier and relaxing. Definitely an amazing trip to a beautiful and enchanting city.