Where to find up-to-date travel Information

We must also be aware of the ever-changing travel requirements in different countries across the world. Here we have compiled a list of our most trusted websites where we source the most up to date travel information every day.

Please make yourself aware of travel requirements to destinations you planning to visit and regularly check these links in the days leading up to your departure and return in case of any changes.

Where to find up-to-date travel Information

We must also be aware of the ever-changing travel requirements in different countries across the world. Here we have compiled a list of our most trusted websites where we source the most up to date travel information every day.

Please make yourself aware of travel requirements to destinations you planning to visit and regularly check these links in the days leading up to your departure and return in case of any changes.


Travel Within Europe: Re-Open EU

This website provides information on the various measures in place, including quarantine and testing requirements for travellers, the EU Digital Covid Certificate, as well as other travel requirements. 

The information on this site is updated frequently and will be able to help you plan your travel within Europe, while staying safe and healthy. Click here to visit this website.


Global Travel: UNWTO/IATA Destination Tracker

The UNWTO/IATA Travel Tracker is the first global dashboard on Air Travel Restrictions and Health-related Travel Requirements at the destination. This is a one stop shop for global travel information on Covid-19 related travel requirements and it’s here to help provide you with a seamless journey.

Information on this website is updated regularly by both the UNWTO and IATA who are acting collaboratively to ensure you are aware of the most up to date travel requirements. Click here to visit this website.


Global Travel: The DFA

 The Ireland Department of Foreign Affairs provides us with information on travelling to different destinations as well as useful information such as travelling with children, returning to Ireland, and more.

The information on this website will help you make informed decisions when you’re planning your trip overseas and is updated frequently. Click here to visit the DFA website.